We are happy about your Feedback!
In urgend Cases regarding to the Websites Tangomuenchen.de and tangobayern.de, you can reach me by
Phone: +49 177 / 30 9 1960 (WhatsApp, Threema, Signal, telegram)
E-Mail: info @ tangomuenchen.de
Twitter: @tango_muc
On any Questions concerning the Events, Classes or Workhops or other Tangoevents please contact the Organizer of that event direkt. I a monly responisble to the webserver, the programming of the website and do not organize milongas or teach tango dancers.
If you are an organizer:
In any case please provide your organizer ID in your request (you can find it in Admin = "Assistent")
If you have problems with a specific event, please add Date of the Event and best : the Event ID or the link to that event.